Sunday, 12 August 2012

Week 3, ANDS Project

Monday :  I took the regular meeting with Luis from ANDS and continued working on the project plan and policy.
Tuesday: I had a meeting with the USQ QCIF Representative, ICT working team and the steering committee.
Wednesday I attended the ANDS Community Day –Notes
·         ReDBox 1.5 now has better terminology
·         Jo Morris from Griffith Uni – Manager e-research
·         Retrospective collections made licencing issues more difficult.
·         People are beginning to carry out self data-citation in journal articles.
·         Griffith found minting DOI’s difficult but these issues have largely been improved since their project.
·         Use VIVO metadata management system
·         QUT: Also found dealing with retrospective data collections difficult
·         Need to make the difference between research data and metadata very clear to the researchers.
·         They used an EXCEL spread sheet to describe metadata elements.
·         Need to make sure that the data management template maps to the ethics form.
·         Need to make it clear to the researchers that they still control the research data.
·         QUT has workshops in data management and they still have 35 to 40 people attending each session.
·         Need to answer the question what is in data management for the researcher
·         QUT use the VIVO metadata management system
·         Download information from Research Master every three months
·         QUT and Griffith managed to sustain the momentum of the data management work by getting the DVC of Research to see the vision of having a research data management strategy in place.
·         Both Griffith and QUT have found that having a data management strategy and exposing research data has
o   Increased enquiry
o   Attracted more higher degree students
·         After the pilot project (seeding the commons) they had a visible sign of progress which could demonstrate the difference between having a data management strategy and not.
·         Increased executive interest in research to look at data as an asset. – it Changed the way the institution looked at data.
·         They had to have systems in place that would let researchers go in and change the metadata to increase the quality of the metadata. – Need some way of quality control for the metadata
·         In QUT the library was the driver
·         QUT and Griffith are not getting researchers to self-deposit research material, while James Cook is getting researchers to self-deposit.
·        Griffith have mapping ontologies from their research data database to RIF-CS
·         At Griffith researchers will not fill out online forms, they need to rely on faculty librarians to help collect metadata
·         JCU’s self depositing system connects to the HR system for researcher names, research system for grants and e-prints key word and FOR system.  It uses these connections to populate drop down boxes to minimise the users typing.
·         Users cutting and pasting from Word has proved difficult as the formatting artefact's make the XML non-compliant. 
·         UQ pointed out that you needed to define words such as collection
·         CQU used ReDBox for OAI-PMH used ACQUIRE from ReDBox and only captured completed projects
·         Duncan Dickinson:  They  found at Tern that a Creative Commons licence did not work for everything, so they had a lawyer draft a contract based on openness that states on what basis you can use the data for instance attribution – policy available
Duncan stated that ReDBox had good sustainability but you needed high level buy in.  He suggested that the mailing lists for ReDBox and VIVO are good and that Flinders and UON had good sites.
ReDBox is on a virtual machine at Nectar
Duncan summarised the day as it applied to ReDBox at
·         Why a library is a good place for a data research repository
o   They are an enduring institution
o   Good at cataloguing
o   See role as digital curation and indexing
o   Can manage persistent link through DOI
o   Librarians prepared for and willing to look at changing requirements for things such as data citation
Purdue library is good resources available at
·         Have to remember that data management is not mature but is a still evolving discipline.
Research Data Australia (ANDS) have put together topic pages based on demand.  The page they have now is Tropics with its goal to gather all the research data in one place and raise profile.  Climate Change is probably the next one - Cynthia Love in charge of this area.

Thursday: Data Citation round table
Research Data Australia is hosted in the Nectar cloud and is therefore sustainable even if ANDS does not get further funding.
RIF-CS an International standard.
TIMS a people identifier
AND's is the minter of DOI's in Australia however the DOI is also automatically registered with Datacite
AND's is working with Thomson Reuter to get middleware for between RIF-CS=TR data.  Citation index (Crosswalk)
DOI's have to go to a landing page that describes the location of the data set.
National Library Australia (NLA) use party identifiers which is an indentification resolver - this lets you have various names for the same person identifier.
Griffith stores multiple personal identifiers dependent on need.
For data citations RIF-CS do not map one to one they have different mandatory and optional elements (Michelle QCIF talk)
Make sure that you include procedures on how to cite data in policy procedures
Total impact a free research impact tool.
Geoscience Australia looked at using Web of Knowledge and Scopus but decided to go with Google Scholar for financial reasons.



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