Had two meetings on Monday, one was with the new member of the working party as the researcher representative. It was very informal but we got to talk about the data management project and I filled her in on some of the background to the project. I also worked on the outline for the RDM toolkit.
I gave a presentation to the research librarians giving a general overview of data management and we then just had a discussion around data management and it’s definitions for instance what a data collection was. This is so if they are asked about data management in the faculty they would have a good general idea of the main concepts and know that I was the person to talk too.
Spoke to Luis about preparing an information session around a researchers needs. I am still not sure how to make the session sound attractive to entice researchers.
I went to a HeardC presentation in my lunch time just so I could start to understand some of the metrics that are used to measure researcher and university value.