I completed the first draft of the terms of reference for the reference group which I will get reviewed for the first reference group meeting. I have not tried drafting TOR before so a new task for me. I tried to review what we would really need a researcher perspective on. The plan is that the reference group members will also become spokespeople for the research data management project.
I completed the presentation for new researchers for the CRN projects on Thursday. I have tried to take a more research lifecycle point of view rather than a data centric point of view as per the Library Loon’s blog post. The presentation went well and I think focusing on the researcher milestones rather than the data milestones helped to give the presentation better relevance to the researchers. A number of researchers came and spoke to me about DM during morning tea, showing interest in practical solutions.
The reference group meeting went well and the terms of reference were accepted almost unchanged. We have two members with an HPC interest, a climate scientist and archaeologist. This appears to be a good number of people to achieve some action. They read and commented on our draft research management policy. The only change suggested was a slight change to the wording of one section.
I wrote an information sheet for our research data management tool kit on data storage. I think I have it at an appropriate practical level.
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