Monday, 12 November 2012

Week 15, ANDS Project

Wrote up notes from the eResearch conference into blog and completed the monthly report.  I have done some more work on the USQ data management plan, the difficulty is in remembering that this is a plan to be completed at the start of a project and therefore the researcher cannot and will not have all the answers needed to deposit a collection into a repository.  Perhaps we need a fallow up project information sheet for the end of a project, which could take the form of a deposit questionnaire for a research data repository.
I went and spoke to the systems biology centre director about RDM, this was really interesting because I got to ask centre level questions from an administration perspective.  So things like do you keep a list of the centre research projects that are happening the answer to this is no.  Therefore even at a centre level there is no clear idea of the total research activity.  This centre uses USQ provided storage but also relies on computer HDD’s and external HDD’s.

Took my proposed data management plan to the steering committee on Wednesday, minor changes were made such as adding a size column to the storage needs table and including space for an author to include an ORCID identifier.  Otherwise the plan is ready to be trialled. 


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